Find the Best Colleges in Iowa
Iowa has nearly 70 accredited colleges and universities. Most are not-for-profit private schools, 19 are public colleges and universities, and some are for-profit private institutions. Options range from large state-funded research universities to a “Hidden Ivy,” many small liberal arts schools, several Christian colleges, more than a dozen community colleges, two accredited law schools, and other special focus colleges.
Iowa’s public and private colleges and universities have impressive statistics. Overall they cost less than their counterparts in other states, and Iowa’s public colleges boast the second-highest graduation rate among all 50 states! Learn more and compare college stats with our free college statistics database.
Iowa College Education Data
College enrollment is falling in some states but it’s on the rise in Iowa. This is partly because Iowa leads the US in high school graduation rates; the US Department of Education reports that 90.5 percent of Iowa’s high school seniors graduated in 2014 while the national average was 82.3 percent. Here are some impressive statistics about Iowa colleges and universities.
- College students in Iowa are more likely than others to graduate within six years. Nationwide in 2010 the college graduation rate for four-year degree programs was 56 percent. In Iowa it was 69.4 percent.
- Community college students in Iowa have above average graduation rates. In 2010 the nationwide graduation rate was 20.4 percent, but in Iowa it was 33 percent.
- Private universities and colleges in Iowa cost slightly less than average. In 2012 the average yearly tuition for private four-year schools nationwide was about $24,500. In Iowa it was about $15,500.
- Public universities and colleges in Iowa cost significantly less than the US average. In 2012 the average yearly tuition for American public four-year schools was about $8100. In Iowa it was about $7850.