Reasons to Join Intramural Sports in College

College can be a stressful time with seemingly endless assignments, exams, and projects. You may feel overwhelmed with all this work, and as a result, may not perform as well as you would on a clear, relaxed mind. Finding time for extracurricular activities can really help students find a healthy balance between work and play. Intramural sports is one way people fit in time with friends while getting their exercise in!

Types of Intramural Sports

There’s a place for everyone when it comes to intramural sports. Even if you aren’t the most athletic, or not in the best shape, intramural sports is a level playing field. You can pick from a variety of intramurals, which typically include basic sports like basketball, soccer, dodgeball, flag football, and more. Each school will offer different sports, and develop unique styles of gaming and awards.

So what are you waiting for? Here are a few reasons why you should consider joining intramural sports in your college years:

Build Your Network

Whether on a team with members of your fraternity or sorority, members from your dorm floor, or people in one of your classes, the playing field is a great spot to make new friends and build memorable college moments. Being on a team with the same people working together towards a common goal, you naturally become closer to them over time.

Get a Fun Workout In

If you’re the type that hates going to the gym or thinking about a dreadful, boring 30 minutes on the treadmill, then give intramural sports a try. When you are on the field playing football, ultimate frisbee, or soccer with others, you are getting a good workout in! Not only does this allow you to have fun, but your body is also getting the exercise needed for optimal health, and to keep the “freshman 15” off.

Relieve Stress

Give your mind and body a break from studying at the library, going to class, and stressing over exams for a bit. If you work a part-time job on top of your studies, you probably need the stress relief even more. Intramural sports allow you to focus on the game, and have minimal responsibilities for the time being. Get in the zone, let go of everything, and just enjoy the moment!

Giving yourself a break is as equally important to success as studying hard. Balance is key! Many students find themselves feeling a lot more refreshed and motivated to power through their assignments and studying after relieving some stress.

Be a Leader & Team Player

Being able to work efficiently and well with a team goes a long way in life – beyond the classroom, and beyond the playing field. When you graduate from college and get your first job, you’ll see that you will have to work with others to get stuff done. Every team needs a leader, a financial keeper, a rule-book keeper, an effective communicator, and overall, hard workers!

Playing intramural sports, you get a taste for these different positions the fun way. Someone keeps score, someone tends to lead, and team players must learn to communicate well and keep their eyes on the prize to win. In short, intramural sports help students grow both mentally and physically.

Demonstrate College Pride

Feeling a sense of community is such an integral part of the college experience. One of the best ways to show college pride is to simply get involved! By dedicating a set number of hours into intramural sports, you are not only getting fit and having fun with others, you are also doing something to help yourself feel a part of your school.

Final Thoughts

Intramurals encourage students to continue their education outside of the classroom. You can learn a lot of practical life skills on the courts, and will benefit from the friendships and memories you make through intramural sports in college. There’s nothing better than expanding your network of friends on campus, while diverting your attention temporarily from the pressures of the classroom and just having some fun! Life is too short to not have some fun.