El Centro College
801 Main Street
Dallas, TX
El Centro College Basic Data - source IPEDS
Sector | Public, 2-year |
Total Students | 18,649 |
Student to Faculty Ratio | 20 : 1 |
Full-time Students | Unknown |
Part-time Students | Unknown |
Retention Rate | 55.37% |
Graduation Rate | 5.56% |
Religious Affiliation | Not applicable |
Historically Black? | No |
Gender | Coed |
El Centro College Financial Aid Info - source IPEDS
Percent of Students on Financial Aid | 80% |
Percent of Students on Federal Aid | 73% |
Average Amount of Federal Aid Received | $4,948 |
Average Amount of Student Loan Aid Received | Unknown |
In-State Tuition | $3,015 |
In-State Fees | $0 |
Out-of-State Tuition | $4,695 |
Out-of-State Fees | $0 |
El Centro College Admission Stats
Overall Percent Admitted | Unknown |
Percent Men Admitted | Unknown |
Percent Women Admitted | Unknown |
Total Number of Applicants | Unknown |
SAT 75th Percentile (Math) | Unknown |
SAT 75th Percentile (Critical Reading) | Unknown |
SAT 75th Percentile (Writing) | Unknown |
ACT 75th Percentile | Unknown |